
Angela has studied yoga since 2005 and has been teaching since 2010.
Since completing her yoga teacher training with Paul Dallaghan http://www.samahitaretreat.com, yoga has been her spiritual, mental and physical guide to a conscious and healthier lifestyle. She integrates yoga science and spirituality in her teachings, promoting a holistic approach for a better quality of life and overall well-being.

She travelled to India every year from 2011 to 2020 to study and practice with the legendary R.Sharath Jois https://sharathjois.com/ , Ajay Kumar http://sthalam8.com/ and Vinay Kumar http://pranavashya.com. In 2017 she completed the Vinay Kumar yoga teacher training in India.

Since 2010 she has been sharing her yoga knowledge through various classes of philosophy, Pranayama, meditation circles, retreats, and mentoring sessions. Her focus is on cultivating deeper connections with the self, others, and nature.

She loves structured classes with concentration on deep breath awareness to allow the magic of internal work to happen. She respects the energy of the student and adapts the practice accordingly. Her classes start with Sun Salutations Pranavashaya or Ashtanga style to honour the Light inside us and to bring harmony between Mind/Body/Soul. Then it’s standing, balancing, twisting, forward bending and backbending asanas. She pays particular attention to core strength, connecting upper and lower body. Pranayama and meditation are also given special attention. She lives yoga. If she is not on a yoga mat practicing or teaching then she is studying yoga. She teaches Vinyasa yoga to students of all abilities.